Get Well With Us is a collaborative effort to bring Functional Medicine concepts to everyone in a simplified, personalized and affordable way so you can learn what it takes for you to enjoy a healthier life longer.

Elevate your Wellness IQ. 
Enroll in our
Wellness “U” courses.

Gain insights and get the tools you need from a
Functional Medicine approach at the depth you want.

Empower Yourself with Wellness.

Current programs:


only $49


How to heal current or past head trauma 

In this course, we will cover a simple protocol to use lifestyle and over-the-counter remedies to help you:

  • Boost the nutrients needed for repair,
  • Lower brain inflammation and clean up mess,
  • Restore your mitochondrial function, and 
  • Support gut healing, so that you don't seed future food sensitivities and other complications.

BONUS: How to apply these same concepts for prevention as well.

You deserve to heal fully, not just cross your fingers and hope for the best.   


Sign up HERE!



Detox Made Simple 

Let us help you learn how to take out the trash - not just for 30 days, but for GOOD!

If you suffer from chronic health conditions such as these, you may need help with detoxification!

  • Allergies/Asthma
  • Brain Fog or Mood Swings
  • Cancer
  • Gut/Digestive Issues
  • Headaches
  • Hormone Disruption
  • Infertility
  • Joint Pain
  • Skin Issues
  • Weight Gain


Learn More HERE!

EXTRA CREDIT: FREE Masterclasses

FREE one-hour sessions that help you learn more about the areas of health where you need extra points. 

Upcoming topics:

  • June:  Gut Health - Start with the Gut!  Why Functional Medicine doctors see the gut as the key to fixing inflammation, metabolism, mood, energy, allergies, and overall health. 
  • July: Energy and mitochondria – Boosting Brain Health 
    Understanding fatigue, brain fog, mood shifts, memory, and other brain issues from a Functional Medicine Perspective.
  • August: Back to School: How to Make Healthy Lunches That You And Your Kids WANT to Eat!
  • September: Hormone health  Hormone Help!  How do I know if my health issues are hormonal? Get your questions answered by a Functional medicine doctor. 
  • October: Understanding the thyroid – When a TSH is not enough.  Understanding the full complexity of thyroid health.


If you missed them the first time, you can watch the recordings here.


March 2024: Preventing, Managing, and Reversing Cardiometabolic Disease: 
A Functional Medicine Perspective

April 2024: DETOX: Does it Apply to Me? 


Practical Skills "Labs"

Where the rubber meets the road! 

Making real change takes skill as well as understanding, but you don't have to figure it out on your own.  Let us help you ace your health with simple, sustainable skills that get the job done!


  • ONLINE PROGRAM: Detox Made Simple - Safe, sustainable detox program personalized to your needs.
    ***SIGN UP HERE!


  • Concussion
    Tools to Start Healing 
  • Healthy Gut = Healthy YOU!
  • Healing Your Hormones
  • Love Your Inner 2 Year Old 
    How to Start Healing Chronic Stress and Drama/Trauma 
  • Designing Your Own Diet 
    Sorting through all the diet options out there to create a personalized food plan that works for you.
  • Systems-Approach to Health 
    How to build a routine that makes healthy change easy